Spot On

August 14, 2016.  Recently returned from our annual Gathering Of Circles excursion, I have been reliving magic moments while processing photos.  Some of the best moments were spent tip-toeing around on the mountain photographing horned toads – watching to be sure no toads were underfoot.  They were incredibly well camouflaged.  We were following a little toad’s maneuvers when suddenly aware of a very large toad a foot away, staring at us.  What must toads think of humans lurking around?  Likely we represented an unwelcome deterrent to ant-eating.  They surely had no clue how we admired them, that they made our day.   Hats off to Lanson Moles for his keen eye!  And to Gary Kendrick whose ground pose conveys the mood of mindful enthusiasm.

The Gathering of Circles is an annual August event in the Lincoln National Forest above Cloudcroft NM.  Elevation 9500.  Temperatures ranging from 50’s to high 70’s.  The Gathering consists of people from multiple states of mind and geography coming together for camping, ceremony, and workshops.  For more information, see GatheringOfCircles on FaceBook.


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