Purple Martins & Other Buddhas

July 31, 2019.   I’m still vibrating from Monday evening in the midst of purple martins amassing at dusk — preparing to migrate into South America.  For a few evenings in July, the sky darkens with wings swooping down from way up high, collective perpetual motion, each bird merging into position, settling to rise again, resettle.  Quite the party scene!  Not sure if they wait for sufficient flock size, or weather cues, or perhaps the just-so moon cycle?  One morning their signals dictate, and away they go — migrating amassed.

I first experienced this rush in 2014.  We’ve missed out in recent years due to summer travels, but this year home early enough.  This collage is from 2014 photos (I had a real camera with me that night).  Some challenges an iPhone simply cannot meet.  And no camera (still or video) can capture the energy of all those wings!  Nor the compatibility of humans in awe.





Uncovering Path

July 25, 2019.  We have returned from our summer roaming to a yard overgrown with green leafy things we did not plant, do not want – some strange new vine draping over shrubs and walkways as thick as a rug.  There is considerable down-at-ground-level work to be done!  Luckily, the same Ma Nature responsible for all this growth has granted us a week of temperatures unusually cool for Central Texas.  So no complaints, just lots of time in the sun tugging and digging.

The walkway pictured was not visible when we got home.

The red dragonfly (who comes annually) has been a boost to attitude, thus to progress.


