Near Rociada

July 23, 2017.  Traveling still, now in cooler temperatures and higher elevations.  This afternoon’s rain kept us campsite-bound – an agreeable pace!  I’ve encountered several times lately promotions for “forest bathing” – Japanese Shinrinyoku – preventive healthcare practice of getting oneself out among trees.  Research proves its value.  My experience here bears witness.





Writing Outdoors

December 1, 2016.  December rolled in on a cold front – but a clear blue sky made for warmth when properly positioned in line with the Sun.  I couldn’t resist, and out I went with my journal. Luckily, I had the camera phone in my pocket to capture the take-over that ensued.  Ziggy showed me an even better way to sit in the sun.





January 27, 2016.  Yesterday morning, driving along a familiar freeway, attentive to motions of other vehicles, exit signs, all the usual stimuli – suddenly James McMurtry’s voice singing “I only want to talk to you” leapt out of memory and song context to put me in Mother’s kitchen, desperate to talk to her.  She’s been gone since this month, 1990. Her kitchen is not an option.

I went instead to my journal.  Among other insights, this poem emerged.

The image is from the dining area at Red Corral Ranch, a retreat center I visit several times a year, near Wimberley, Texas.  The shadows were moving as the breeze stirred the curtains.  Not unlike thoughts changing partners for the next round in a square dance.


