Drama Replay

September 17, 2017.  For several days, I’ve been rummaging through old photographs (from before I went digital) hoping to spy a certain mug. It was white stoneware, with a pink primrose painted on the side – part of a set, four different flowers.  Those mugs were my first purchase post divorce, back in 1979.  Symbols of independence – kept through the years though discolored from tea and coffee.  The pink one, most used, was the worst.  When Gary and I merged our lives and belongings under this roof in 2006, off to Good Will went the ugly mug.  I kept its blue mate, least discolored, as souvenir.

Striking out finding an old photo of the pink mug, I’ve let the blue one take its place in this collage.  Behind the mug is a scanned 1997 view of my backyard swing – scene of the drama.

Here’s to memories of mindfulness before I claimed such as part of my practice.


