Self Defense

April 7, 2019.  No, nothing to do with martial arts!

One week into Poetry Month, and under the influence of an evocative SoulCollage® group session yesterday, I take my stand – as poet, yes, but not just poet – as creative human  giving creativity space, attention, support to flourish.

A word about SoulCollage® – a Jungian therapy process developed by Seena Frost – I’ve been practicing this since 2007.   It’s something you DO as opposed to read about, but if curious, go here:

This image is a collage for four SoulCollage cards created yesterday.  Image details were clipped from calendar/magazine pages and pieced together intuitively.  Each of the four cards (5×8″) can be “read” – imagery speaking to whatever inside me chose and arranged the pieces.  Collectively, they delivered this poem.


